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Sculptra injections to treat mild to severe facial wrinkles naturally over time wih collagen production

Sculptra® Aesthetic

Regenerate your youthful skin.

Sculptra Aesthetic is an FDA-approved injectable that's used to treat mild to severe facial wrinkles.


Unlike other injectables that fill wrinkles, Sculptra Aesthetic is made from a poly-L-lactic acid that stimulates the body's natural production of collagen over time. The treatment typically involves three injection sessions over the course of three to four months, and results can last for up to two years.

What is Sculptra?

Made from poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), Sculptra is an FDA-approved injectable that stimulates the body's natural production of collagen over time. Sculptra is commonly used to address the underlying cause of aging by correcting mild to severe facial wrinkles.

Unlike traditional collagen stimulators that are used topically and are too large to penetrate the dermis, Sculptra works within the deep dermis to revitalize collagen production. As the PLLA microparticles are absorbed, collagen strands are gradually rebuilt restoring facial volume and softening existing folds and wrinkles.

On average, three injection sessions over a few months are necessary to achieve desired fullness. When we see your for your consultation, we will determine the amount of lost facial volume and how many sessions will be needed.

  • FDA-approved

  • Only injectable that rebuilds collagen

  • Corrects mild to severe wrinkles

  • Regenerates volume lost due to aging

How Does It Work?

Get lost volume back.

Sculptra Aesthetic is made with biocompatible, biodegradable, synthetic material called poly-L-lactic acid, which is gradually and naturally absorbed by the body and helps to rebuild lost collagen through a series of treatments. If you want to appear more youthful-looking — without appearing like you’ve had work done — then chances are Sculptra Aesthetic may be a good choice for you.

Over time, Sculptra Aesthetic helps the body reproduce lost collagen. On average, three injection appointments are needed over a period of a few months. The number of injection appointments and the number of injections per appointment vary from person to person, depending on how much collagen has been lost.

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